
Friday, March 22, 2013

Update on Kayla!!

As some of you may already know, but it was recently discovered that my 19 year old niece, Kayla has a benign tumor in her brain that is connected to her optical nerve and is not removable due to the area.  The mass is continuing to grow, and before it effects the sight in her other eye they opted to do chemotherapy to try to stop the growth, or even better shrink it.  Chemo began well as the side effects.  All seemed well afterwards, but she was ill throughout the night!  Prayers would be much appreciated! I love my baby girl.


  1. Hear is a beautiful prayer that you can say each day for your niece Kayla. If you share this with her Mom & Dad and have them say it with her every day and watch Gods mercy re-act

    Sacret heart of Jesus, you are the redeemer and sources of all graces.
    Make Kayla like you, give her a new heart and kindle in it the fire of divine love.
    Imprint your love so deeply in her heart that she may never be separated from you.
    Make use of all that she is and possesses, transform her into your image, so that in you and with you she will help to redeem the world and love eternally the Father, Son, & The Holy Spirit. Amen

    Lord Have Mercy, Christ Have Mercy.

    My prayers are also with you. Des
